2024: The Year of the Yang Wood Dragon

Green Chinese Dragon

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon!  An auspicious year of transformation, innovation and laying the foundation for long-term growth and success.

Whether or not you pay attention or even believe remotely in astrology or the Chinese Zodiac, it can be beneficial to know about the archetypal energies at play in 2024, the year of the Yang Wood Dragon, and how they might weave into your progression and transformation.

  • First of all, the Dragon is a highly regarded creature in nearly all cultures, and is, thus, an especially revered sign of the Zodiac.  In general, the Dragon symbolizes strength, courage, wisdom and prosperity.  So these qualities are highly favored in all endeavors - whether they be in business, family, relationships, home, finances, health - undertaken in the year of the Dragon.  This is why there is often a higher birth rate during the Year of the Dragon!

  • This year of the Dragon corresponds to the Wood element.  And Wood is all about stability, patience and sustainability when it comes to growth and nurturing our ideas fully to fruition.  Think of how a tree grows from within in concentric circles. There is order and design to everything, even if it appears otherwise from the outside. So this year is about making our foundations as strong and fertile as possible so we can plant the seeds for long-term growth and success. And the key is to come from the heart in all that we do!

  • The Yang influence of this year will facilitate our outward expansion and progress.  It will be hard to remain stagnant, and the Yang energy will bring decisiveness and assertiveness in overcoming blocks and obstacles.  That being said, it doesn't mean to bulldoze or use force/manipulation to get your way, which this Yang energy can also facilitate.  So this year will also be an excellent platform for building self-control, discipline and your ability to listen & observe.

So what does all this mean for us?

  • If you happen to be thinking of starting a new business venture, moving, starting/growing a family, or shifting career paths, this is an excellent year to do so.  Perhaps you’ve been percolating on these shifts for a while or perhaps you’ll be spontaneously inspired, but new energy for new beginnings will be on the rise. So have courage to explore these new frontiers with curiosity and an open mind. You never know when opportunity will knock!

  • And this will also be a prime year to strengthen your core authenticity and knowledge of Self, for individual healing, as well as to create healthier boundaries with self and others that uplift your value and worth.  So don’t be afraid to invest in your inner work in order to bring more balance, unity and strength to your outer work. They’re two sides of the same coin, so don’t get confused into thinking that one is more important than the other. Without the inner foundation of Self, the external manifestation of your dreams and aspirations won’t go far.

  • Finally, remember that coming from your heart is the KEY.  That is the energy that is most needed in our world right now.  For with great power comes great responsibility.  And with Love & Joy as your guiding lights, sustainable success and fulfillment can line up for you in a way that not only enriches your life and gives it meaning, but also enriches the lives and adds meaning to those around you.

Have questions about the Year of the Dragon and how best to capitalize on these energies and themes to lift your life to the next level(s)? Reach out and let’s chat. And open yourself to receiving the gifts of the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon through your own healing and spiritual transformation!


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