Going Deeper with Your Vision Board

Woman holding sparklers

Vision boards are an effective and powerful way to exercise your ability to manifest. They’re quite trendy these days, which is good in that more people are aware of them and using them. But on the other hand, with that trendiness has inevitably come distortion that has diluted the power of this tool and made it more superficial and just for show.

If you’re new to vision boards, allow me to back it up with a simple explanation.

Simply put, a vision board is a collage depicting the realization of your goals. Instead of simply keeping these ideas and aspirations bottled up in your head, crafting a vision board is a step towards externalizing those ideas and bringing them towards manifestation with your creative energy and making them more tangible and real outside of yourself. It also helps you navigate around the doubts and fears that usually prevent you from sharing your goals and aspirations with others. Too often we focus on those, worrying about all the what ifs, stressing about what others will think or say, and fearing either failure or success. But remember that what we focus upon grows, so putting energy towards worry, stress, and fear is a surefire shortcut to self-sabotage and manifesting what you don’t want.

Person holding lens to the horizon during sunset

And a vision board provides an antidote to that default, giving you an opportunity to focus upon what you do want and bringing precision to what you do desire in your life. By focusing on what you do want instead of what you don’t want, you naturally begin to become more conscious of your ability to manifest and how it works through you in all aspects of your life. And slowly and surely, by focusing on your ability to manifest and focusing on positivity instead of negativity, you can begin to switch your manifestation paradigm away from the defaults of worry, stress, and fear and towards the new settings of acceptance, flow, and worthiness.

I’ve used vision boards as an effective tool for the past 7 years to help me manifest and create what will allow me to be of even greater Service to my purpose, to those around me, to the Great Work and to God’s Will. And over time, as I’ve used this tool to acknowledge and harness my power to manifest and create, I’ve discovered some tips to help me go deeper with my creative process and manifest more clearly.

I now pay forward 3 of those tips that may help you get clearer and go deeper with your use of the vision board!

Young woman looking at vision board taped to the wall

1. Be Specific.

While all of the tips are impactful, this one is #1 for a reason. Because the energy we put out there will always come back to us. And the clearer, more precise, and more specific we can be with our wants, needs, or desires, the clearer, more precise, and more specific the manifestation of that energy into something tangible and real. As an example of what happens when you’re not specific, a good friend and colleague of mine wanted a new car, and so she put the words, “New Car” on her vision board. Then over the next 6 months she got into 3 different car accidents, which required new tires, new windshield, and new body parts. Do you see where this is going? She was manifesting a new car, just not in the way that she intended or actually wanted!

So to build on this example, if you desire a new car, then get detailed. What is the make, model, and year? What color is it? Do you want a brand new car or a used one? How much do you want to spend and how much do you want the payments to be? If it’s used, how much mileage should it have? When do you want it by? How does it feel when you’re driving it? etc. It may seem like a lot, but trust me that it’s not. Even by going through questions like this, this stimulates the most important tool you have when it comes to manifestation: Your imagination. And being able to create first in your mind what you do want, need, or desire with specificity and precision, you will begin magnetizing that specific and precise thing towards you.

So focus on what you do want and include all the details in the energy that you put into the creation of your vision board and practice making your manifestation much more clear, specific, and precise.

2. Focus on feeling.

I already mentioned it above, but focusing on how the attainment of what you desire feels can be a helpful boost to the efficacy of your vision board. Too often, vision boards are limited by focusing on the things themselves, and it can become overly mental. But in adding the dimension of feeling, it activates your heart center and engages more of your physical body (which is your vessel for manifestation!).

So as you meditate on what to put on your vision board, imagine that you’ve already achieved the milestones and obtained the wants, needs, and desires. Imagining already manifesting what you set out to manifest. And then zoom in on the feeling and press pause. How does it feel? Do you experience Joy? Passion? Gratitude? Pride? Relief? Bliss? What sensations are involved and where are they on your body? Do you feel tingles? Do you feel lighter? Do you feel empowered?

As a personal example, my vision boards began as very concrete creations. But the more I explored feeling, what I would put on my vision board evolved to become more multidimensional. I would still use specific and precise images, but next to them I might add pictures of sunrises, clouds, a laughing child, a dried sprig of lavender, a thumbs up, a beautiful tree. Not to manifest the things themselves, but to manifest the feelings they evoke in me. And I discovered as I used these more abstract, supplemental images, it also helped me to bring through the end result. To have not just the specific and precise things that I want, need, and desire, which is only one small part of the manifestation equation, but also the feeling of the reality of having it in my physical life. So as another tip to consider, add the dimension of feeling to the creation of your vision board.

3. Have Joy!

Your power and magick to manifest is tied to your joy. As opposed to happiness, which is dependent on external circumstances and sourced from outside of us (I’m happy when x, y, and z happen), joy is a state of being that is independent of external circumstances, and sourced from within. The state of joy uplifts, lightens, expands, and creates space to feel free and limitless. And that is where you will find flow within yourself to be the vessel for your ideas to manifest clearly, specifically, and smoothly through you. Remember that not only will the energy that you put out there return to you, but also the energy that you put in is the energy you will get out. And if you’re stressed, anxious, or frustrated in the creation of your vision board, that, too will reflect back to you in your manifestation.

Ever tried cooking when you’re angry or upset? Ever consumed food made by someone in a bad mood? You can taste it! The flavors don’t quite pop or harmonize. The satisfaction and fulfillment of eating is lackluster underwhelming. And the food just may not sit well with you and your body may even reject it. The energy that we put into our creative/manifestation process, whether it be cooking, gardening, building something, relating with others, planning a trip, writing, painting, or creating a vision board, will show up in the results.

So before you embark upon creating, check in with yourself: Am I in Joy? If not, what can I do to get there? And if I don’t know how to get there, who can I ask for help? Allow Joy to be the state of being that is the foundation of your manifestation process and the bedrock for your vision board and it will show in your results!

Turn Ideas Into Reality

Especially we continue heading through the New Paradigm of more Light anchoring on our planet and bringing all of us closer to the age of Divine Union, I hope you will have the opportunity to apply one or all 3 of these suggestions and experience the benefits of going deeper with your vision boards and discovering just how deep your power to manifest really is.


Remembering Who You Truly Are


Total Lunar Eclipse, November 2022