Discerning the Voice of your Negative Ego

Your masks are not who you are

Before a big leap of faith, you'll almost always hear a voice within you that whispers for you to back out.

Y'know the one. The one that tells you to doubt, to second-guess, and to go against your own intuition. The one that encourages you to sabotage your own efforts and go against your own good intentions. The one that wants you to play small and hide. A voice that relies on the timeless tools of fear, shame, guilt, and bringing up past trauma and claims to be looking out for you by protecting you from uncertainty, failure, and risk. You know the one, right?

That’s the voice of your Lower Self, aka the Negative Ego. It's a staple when it comes to any growth, but particularly spiritual growth. And I can tell you from my experience that it doesn't matter how far or how high you go on any path of healing and spiritual transformation - that voice will always be there. In fact, it gets louder.

And that's a good thing.

What? A good thing, Jonathan??? For real?

Yes, a good thing.

You create your reality

Because it illuminates a choice.

Your choice.

A choice to either do it, or not do it. To listen or not listen. To take the leap, or to stay put. To empower your faith, or to empower your fear. And by illuminating your choice, that voice also illuminates power. Your power. Power to steer your own life and set your feet towards the destination of your choosing. The power to change that destination and footing when you see fit. The power to overcome, to break cycles, and to manifest your full potential.

Your power to create your reality.

So when you hear the voice of your negative ego talking over your intuition and trying to distort your gut feeling, do your best to press pause. Accept the opportunity to become aware of what's actually going on in the moment so you can respond, instead of react. And know that you're being presented with a choice. Your choice. And know that you have the power - your power - to take that leap, not in spite of that voice, but because of it. A leap towards living in greater alignment with your Higher Self, and thus your Higher Mind and Higher Good. And a leap towards more reliable discernment of what actually serves you to progress and produce good fruits in your life, and what does not.

Do you want real tools to eliminate the influence of the Lower Self and to take away the buttons that it pushes to get its way and defend itself? That is what the Empower Thyself Initiation Class is ALL about. Empowering you to reclaim your power to live your life more fully, to forge a more direct path to your purpose, and to have both the knowledge and the tools to shine more brilliantly as a Light with the authority to banish the shadows within. My next class is April 15-16, 2023. If it calls to you, contact me today to enroll.


Know Thyself


Paying Forward the Wisdom of Light