February Full Moon 2024

Woman holding the Moon in her hands

Some fun trivia about this particular Full Moon:

It is a Micromoon, which is the opposite of a Supermoon.  Meaning that the Moon is currently at its farthest point, or apogee, of its orbit away from the Earth.  So it may appear smaller in the night sky.  But that doesn't mean it won't be felt in a big way!

One of the life lessons that's being driven home with this Full Moon in Virgo is about the direct relationship between suffering and attachment. 

In general, the more attachments we have, whether they be to things, people, routines, beliefs, or what is "right" and "true," the more we have the potential to suffer.  Because change is inevitable.  And the more we weigh ourselves down with attachments and trying to micromanage life by attempting to keep things, relationships, or people as they are or how they should be, the more we eventually suffer when the winds of change blow and shake things up.

To be clear, this doesn't mean we shouldn't get close to people or have certain ways that we like things to be.

By all means, please develop close, meaningful relationships and have clarity about your preferences.  But be clear and honest that they are your preferences. Remain open to different perspectives - even ones that are the antithesis of yours - bearing in mind that you don’t know everything and there’s always more that we don’t know than we do. And do your best to be flexible to evolution.

Because things change.  People change.  You change.  That is the nature of life.  It is always evolving! And the less attached we are to keeping things static or in the comfort zone of our preferences, the more we are free to flow with life and explore the many wonders and possibilities of being in this world with joy and curiosity.

For there is so much that the World/Universe has to offer us, and in turn, for us to then offer back to the World/Universe.  But we have to first be open to receiving.  And we just can't do that when our hands, arms, and mind are filled with attachments. 

So if this theme is on blast in your life right now under the healing light of this Full Moon, do your best to acknowledge and receive the lesson with grace and gratitude.  And accept the opportunity that comes with this increased awareness to empty your cup and claim responsibility for reducing your attachments in order to reduce suffering.


PS. These are energy healings I offer that can be especially helpful for reducing attachments:

Life Activation, Energy Clearing, Aura Healing/Cleansing (especially the 7-Layer Egyptian Aura Healing), Isis Healing, and Crystal Healing. Receiving the teachings and tools for self-healing in the Empower Thyself Initiation Weekend Class would also be extremely helpful.

To learn more and to schedule an appointment with me to receive an energy healing or learn more about Empower Thyself, contact me for a free Exploration Session.


Learning to Remember What We Already Know


Uniting with the Force of Love