Living in Greater Alignment

In these challenging and often unpredictable times, it’s good to have a toolbox of methods and techniques to boost confidence, clarity, and energy on hand.  Today I’ll be sharing some easy simple methods regarding something that’s often overlooked, even though it can impact your quality of life significantly.  

And that’s your posture.

“Stand up straight!”  “Stop slouching!”  “Fix your posture!”  

Have you heard these before?  For many, the response is, ”What’s the big deal???” accompanied by a dramatic eye roll and sigh.  But the truth is that it IS a big deal, and more important than you might think.  Beyond how it looks from the outside, it’s about aligning the physical body so that spiritual energy and life force can flow correctly and smoothly.  And to be clear, it’s not just about the energy flowing within your body, but also how that energy flows to your body from its Source.  So in choosing to stand up taller, rolling your shoulders back, and bringing awareness to your posture, you are, in fact, affirming and strengthening your connection to the Divine!

This is true from many perspectives, whether you're considering the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the meridians, the sephiroth, or the chakras.  When we extend our bodies to align them with both the Earth and the Heavens, reaching the crown of our head up, lengthening our spine, opening our chest, and feeling our feet firmly planted on the ground, it creates space for a dynamic flow of energy that cannot be present when we slouch, twist, and close our bodies off.  When out of alignment and obstructed, the body is more prone to dis-ease, pain, and illness.  It is closed off and more likely to feel lost, disconnected, and stressed. But when aligned, the body is more likely to thrive, be resilient, and function correctly.  It is more open to receive energy, guidance, and to see a bigger picture.  There is a flow and lightness to life!

When I was a Pilates and Yoga instructor, well before I began studying metaphysics, I noticed this correlation in myself and many of my students.  Students would arrive to class looking upset, forlorn, and anxious (though they probably didn’t mean to).  Their bodies would be stiff and their minds scattered, reflecting the burden of their stress.  However, after a few poses, stretches, and tuning in to their breath, a shift happened.  They began smiling and offering more eye contact.  Their bodies became more pliable, their minds became more focused, and they were able to let go of the tension and stress more readily.  And they left class appearing taller, more confident, and more hopeful than when they arrived.


Form and function are intimately related.  

The students in my example still had the same physical body, but through consciousness of breath, alignment, and where they chose to focus their energy, they changed the outward expression of that form.  That alignment altered the energetic function of the form, from one of harboring negativity, feeling disconnected, and being unable to release stress to a new one of seeking positivity, desiring connection, and feeling free to relax and let go. 

Could it be that simple?  

I find that the answers to many of life’s most challenging questions often are.  But I’ll let you be the judge.  

Here are some of the simple methods that I shared with my Yoga and Pilates students to help them remain focused on their posture, especially outside of class.  Take them for a spin and be open to the possibilities!

  • Ears, Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Ankles. When you’re standing, take this inventory of your body’s positioning. Are my ears over my shoulders? Are my shoulders over my hips? Are my hips over my knees? Are my knees over my ankles? Make adjustments as you move down the body, knowing that it may feel strange, or even uncomfortable, at first. Using a mirror can also be helpful as you build your self-awareness. If you’re seated, then it’s just Ears, Shoulders, and Hips. Many of my students used a post-it with this reminder on their computer or on the dashboard of their car. Take this inventory once a day for at least 2-4 weeks to support your body in overriding the previous muscle memory and developing new muscle memory.

  • Extend your ribcage away from your hips. Whether sitting, standing, or moving, allow yourself to imagine floating or lifting your ribcage away from your hips. When you feel more comfortable with this, imagine your hips reaching down away from your ribcage. Create space for your lower back and spine - the center of your body - to avoid slouching and harboring weight and pressure so your energy can flow freely. Many of the body’s systems, including the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems, can benefit greatly from this.

  • Place your shoulder blades in your back pockets. This, for me, is a fun one. Imagine you’re wearing jeans with back pockets and then slide your shoulder blades into those pockets until they fit snugly. Doing this will help to roll your shoulders back into alignment, open your chest and heart, and relieve strain on your upper back and neck. This is especially handy to counter the effects of sitting at a desk. Whenever you take a break, do this for a few breaths.

Try one at a time, or use all three, being aware that bringing awareness to your posture benefits your body, mind, and spirit. And while it will definitely impact how others perceive you (for the better), I encourage you to focus more on how you are able to perceive yourself as a result. You are shifting your expression of your form and how you desire energy to flow through you as a vessel, or instrument, for a Higher Power. And as that shifts, so will the way that your form functions, opening you to greater confidence, clarity, energy, and connection!


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The First Full Moon of 2021