Mastering the Art of Manifestation


2021 has been a bumpy ride so far, hasn't it?  But as my Mom always used to tell me: "It's always darkest before the Sun rises."  And this I believe to be true.

There was a time when I used to plan my New Year's Resolutions in December, getting ready for the New Year.  But now, I wait until the new year is already underway until I start any such thinking.  Why do I do that?
For me, I've learned that every year holds a different theme, a different purpose, and different lessons & growth opportunities.  So now, I find it best to wait until I get a sense of the "plot" before I build any plans or aspirations so they can be in harmony.  

Now, if you were to take these first 2 weeks of 2021 at face value, you might feel forlorn or anxious.  But as with all Revolutions and impending New Beginnings, the old must fall apart so that the new can rise from the rubble.  Following the Great Conjunction of 2020, a new consciousness is awakening on the planet that is accelerating us towards World Peace!  And so it is bound to be dark and choppy - as we face our shadows, as we illuminate our subconscious, and take responsibility for making new choices that lead to unity, peace, and love - before we can enter smoother waters and the Sun rises.  So what can you do now?  Here's my recommendation: 

Focus on mastering the Art of Manifestation,

and learn to align your creative power with the Higher Good.

That may sound daunting, but it's actually far simpler than you think.  And if you truly focus on this, I believe you can make the most of 2021 and the Revolution at hand!

The first step of learning anything is to increase your awareness of it. 

Many believe that manifestation only happens at the very end of the process, as the final result.  But that's not completely true:  Manifestation is both the result and the process.

In truth, we are constantly manifesting.  To cite a common example, ever noticed how when someone's constantly in a bad mood, a cloud of negativity seems to follow them that makes it challenging and draining to be near them?  or on the flipside, when someone's perpetually in a great mood, a cloud of light seems to follow them around and you feel uplifted in their presence?  Manifesting is more than just having the great idea.  It's about embodying the energy of the idea you want to manifest!

Ideas require nourishment.  Like a living thing, if we starve it of its basic nutrients and needs, it will wither and die.  And so for your ideas, your plans, your aspirations, you must provide for their needs and nourish them positively so they can thrive.  So how can you do that?

Become aware of your words.

In my metaphysical training and from my life experience, I know that I create what I speak.  That is, after all, the translation of "abracadabra."  So in choosing your words with more care, more respect, and more awareness, like a gardener, you can cultivate your big ideas and aspirations with positive creative power that supports them to manifest more clearly!

For me, I find it useful to learn through contrast.  So here are examples of common expressions and thought patterns that turn your creative energy against you:

“Things just never go my way.”

“I always run out of time.”

“I don’t have enough money.”

“That’s just the way that I am.”

“They’re always mean to me.”

“My back pain always gets in my way.”

“I suck at manifesting.”

Do you see what they all have in common? 

They create boxes.  They create limits.  They feel heavy when you say them.  They validate victimhood and beliefs that you can't.  And these words manifest just as you speak them and think them.   So if you don't want things to ever go your way, say it.  And the more you say it, the more the energy builds and the more true it becomes.  Not because that's just the way the cookie crumbles, but because you are manifesting it!

Remember, awareness.  When you become aware of these thought patterns and word choices, don't get down on yourself.  Make a new choice, create a new groove, and reverse the alchemy! 

Try these on for size:

“Things always work out for the best in the end.”

“I have all the time that I need for what matters.”

“I am in flow with financial abundance.”

“I am a masterpiece in progress.”

“Everyone can change and grow - it’s never too late!”

“I support my body to heal and strengthen.”

“I seek to manifest clearly.”

And lucky for us, the rule of magick holds true here, too.  Say each one and just notice how it feels.  The more you say and think and feel these affirmations and put your energy and your heart behind them, the more true they become!  And sooner than you think, the results will match the process. 

And eventually thinking, speaking, and creating in this way will become second nature - progressing you towards mastering the Art of Manifestation and using your creative energy, force, and magick in alignment with the Highest Good, not just for yourself, but for All. And that is how the Sun will rise on the New World.


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