My Journey to Becoming a Healer

Shining a headlight into the darkness

Sometimes people think that I must have always wanted to be a Healer, meditation instructor and spiritual Guide. That it came naturally or easily to me. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

As a young child, teenager, and well into my mid 30s, I struggled with both my physical and mental health. Whether it was ulcers, eating disorders, migraines, panic attacks, mood swings or night terrors, peace and calm were fleeting guests in my life at best back then. I wanted so badly to be like everyone else - to be the same. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was an outsider looking in who would never be able to experience acceptance as his true self.

My inside joke with myself was that I must have been delivered to the wrong planet. And during the darker times, I would spiral into anger, rage and despair. Feeling abandoned, or worse, sent away. And it crossed my mind, many times, that perhaps life on Earth would be better off without me. And this continued for over 30 years.

As above so below

Why share all this? Isn't this TMI?

Why give you this glimpse into my private life?

Because this was my past.

For better or for worse, it created my own unique experience of life. And while I wouldn't wish it for anyone else, I also don't wish that it could have been other than what it was. I'm no longer angry or rageful about it. I no longer blame it or point fingers at it. I accept it. And I'm grateful for it.

Because ALL of it was part of my journey of learning to heal. Turning the corner from believing that I could never change, that I would always be in pain and that illness, dis-ease and my diagnoses were terminal.

Learning that I could quiet the chaos in my mind and find stillness within. Learning how to not lash out at others or be in constant judgment of them as a defense mechanism.

And learning to belong in the world and feel accepted by others through first learning to belong in my own body and accepting myself and all my differences. Learning that I could take off the masks, tear down the walls, and unlock my own prison from within. Ad astra per aspera. "Through hardship to the stars."

For most of my life, I saw myself as everything BUT a Healer, Meditation Instructor and Spiritual Guide. Those were laughable pipe dreams ill-suited to my reality back then.

But the thing is, I now know that I create my reality. And rather than my issues and challenges constantly rubbing my face in all the things that I'm not and could never be, I began to consider that maybe all along they were desperately committed to opening my eyes to who I was born to be, deep down inside.

So if it seems natural that I'm a Healer, meditation instructor and spiritual Guide, know that it took a journey to arrive here. That it didn’t come naturally nor easily for me to stop running away and rejecting who I actually am at my core. That my journey to becoming a Healer was predicated on learning to embrace my own power to heal myself and to become more whole and less fragmented. Which was not the default, and thus required a lot of unlearning and letting go of my programming to break through to the deeper, truer aspects of Self. And I could not have done it alone.

I needed support, guidance, training and, most importantly, love - patient, consistent LOVE - to override my programming to resist healing, to resist meditation to resist spiritual guidance and to reject myself. To learn how to resist the desire to not be me and to not be here. To overcome what came "naturally" to me in the past. And to reclaim my authority and strength to choose differently. And I found that consistently in the Modern Mystery School in all the teachers and mentors I have trained and studied with thus far. A principle commitment to serving my Highest Good, my growth and my expansion always.

From darkness into the light

And so now, just as that sacred door was held for me, that is the door that I hold for others.

A door that leads to awakening and ascension. A door that reveals the path to becoming more of who you were uniquely created to be. And because I was guided to that door and opened it to pass through to the other side, I can now share that opportunity with others. To find the door they’ve been seeking all their lives. To see what's on the other side, not just in random fleeting glimpses here and there, but daily and sustainably. And I can share what worked for me and what got me to where I am today, free from the illnesses and dis-ease that used to define me and cripple me in the past. Free to be free.

So if you've read this far (Bravo), and you're at a point where you desire your life to change for good, reach out. Perhaps what got me here will work for you, perhaps it won't. But we'll never know if we don't try, right? So let's try together. I am here to offer LIGHT on your unique journey of becoming and discovering your Higher Self. So ask me about the Life Activation and the Empower Thyself Initiation - catalysts that changed everything for me and have changed the lives of my clients.

For you have a special purpose and special gifts that can transform the world. But in order for them to come to light, you must transform yourself first. To know and experience more of who you were born to be. To unlock your prison from within so you can spread your wings and shine as you were born to shine. And to serve your Higher Purpose and Calling.


Living in the Midst of Dying


Healing isn’t About Feeling Good