The April Pink Supermoon


There's always something extraordinary to look out for with each Full Moon, as it presents the opportunity to pass through a door of expansion, rebirth, and transformation.  To take another step forward on our journeys of learning, growing wiser, and experiencing the fullness of life!  

And while all of that is still true, the energies and influence of this particular Supermoon may challenge and test you in surprising, unexpected ways. I.e., a doozy.

Why? Well, for one, Supermoon’s are closer to the Earth at their perigee, intensifying their influence and gravitational pull of the subconscious into the conscious. And two, because of the 2 primary planetary players influencing this Supermoon:  Uranus and Saturn.  Known archetypically as the "Rebel" and the "Disciplinarian" of the zodiac, these will both impart a distinct and unique flavor to how your opportunities to expand manifest this week.  Sounds like an interesting plot already, doesn't it?

Beginning with Uranus, his preferred style of teaching is…"shocking."  So there's a good chance for sudden curveballs that seem to originate from left field to occur on both the micro and macro stage.  Uranus reminds us that our attachment to comfort and making things as easy and smooth as possible is often what stands in the way of us changing.  So be aware and be prepared to go with the flow and "allow" should he serve you in this way.

Nearly contrary to this is the influence of Saturn, who conveys the archetype of the Stern, Restrictive Father who favors discipline, accountability, hard work, and the things that are time tested.  We may feel ourselves at the precipice of making a decision, and then we suddenly get cold feet.  Perhaps we start to doubt and second-guess our progression.  In short, we will likely experience good ol' resistance to change in some way, shape, or form.  

But just as with Uranus, there's a reminder from Saturn if we listen closely.  Instead of getting distracted by the drama of anxiety and self-doubt, Saturn invites us to focus our minds and look more closely at self-responsibility, self-regulation, and self-confidence. For upon these as our foundation, one can build and create many things that last! But without them? The fruits will be lackluster and short-lived at best.


For me, this brings me back to one of my favorite psychological concepts known as the "tyranny of freedom."  Coined by Barry Schwartz, it describes the overwhelm that one can face with having too many options and too many choices in our current age.  Exponentially multiplying the potential number of "wrong" decisions, too much freedom and not enough limitation can lead to more indecision, more regrets, less fulfillment with the choices that are made, and less joy & satisfaction in life.  Thus, freedom, from this perspective, becomes tyrannical.  

And for me, this is what this Supermoon is highlighting.

What choices and options need to be pruned away?  

What thought patterns are no longer raising your quality of life?

What habits and routines need to be uprooted so that other habits and routines can better flourish?

As we face these questions and start to free up bandwidth to focus more clearly on the Self, we then get to be more curious about adopting new ways of taking responsibility and ownership for our lives.  And not just adding them to the pile and wondering where they went a few hours later.  But positioning them intentionally and mindfully as the central structures of the next chapter of your life.

Learning how to expand into greater freedom and innovation, not in spite of, but rather because of restriction and limitation. Gaining the value and necessity of structure in creating your life and gaining a vital key to your transformation in the process. And realizing that it’s not the number of choices available to us that determines our freedom, but the quality of the choices we make.

Because these seemingly contrary forces can combine perfectly to help us do that.  But we must do our best to resist perceiving the restriction as something happening "to us" and rather choosing to see it as something happening "for us."  To accept the opportunity from Uranus, Saturn, and the Moon to walk the walk with more clarity and precision and to realize that that, in and of itself, is already a tremendous gift: Standing on our own two feet.

For we can think all we want.  But the joys of life?  Those will be found in the doing.  And you deserve joy!  Take it from the Moon, Uranus, Saturn, and from me.  You deserve joy and living a life that brings joy to others.  And under the Light of this Full Supermoon week, it's possible that more pieces of that puzzle may fall into place.  Stay tuned and stay open…


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