The Highs and Lows of Healing

Woman looking at the mountains and valleys

The process of growing and healing will take you through both the highs and the lows. Objectively it's easy to recognize that. But when you're in it, especially the lows...

That's a different story.

It can feel like you're only growing and progressing when you're in those shiny, peak moments of overcoming, succeeding, and raising yourself up. And when you're in the shadowy valleys, it can feel like you're backsliding, regressing, and failing, making you an easy mark for doubts, fears, and self-sabotage to set it.

I know, because I've been through the highest highs and the lowest lows of healing many, many, many times.

But just like breathing, and filling up our lungs and then letting them empty, the highs and lows go hand in hand. And to want to make the lows less low only serves to make the highs less high - think about that. So to really get the most out of life and to receive all the blessings and lessons in store for us, we each have to find our own way to embrace the ups and the downs instead of rejecting them. To do our best to not try to make them separate, but rather letting them flow together in harmony. And to know that even when it's really hard and it feels super challenging to keep your head above water, that it can still lead to good and beautiful things in your life in both the near and far future.

So remember: The highs and the lows are part of life - not against it. And to live your life fully alive involves becoming more aware of that fact, learning to accept it, and becoming grateful for both and how the highs and lows, together, create a blessed experience of life.


April Full Moon 2023


Learning How to Relax as you Stretch