Understanding your Power to Manifest

Stick it not with drawing of light bulb

We create from our thoughts. So whatever we're thinking about or focusing upon will manifest in our lives.

So if your thoughts are dwelling or fixating on what you don't want, what you don't have, what you don't like, what you can't control and the burden of life's problems, these things will increase in your life. And conversely, if your thoughts are focused on what you do want, what you do have, what you do like, what you can control and the lessons you're getting to learn from life's challenges, these things will increase in your life.

Is this true?

To test it for yourself, become interested in your thoughts and how they may be showing up in your life. Is your focus on stress, anxiety and uncertainty strengthening and reinforcing those things in your life? And when you choose to shift your focus towards positivity, compassion and hope, does that attract more of those things to you?

All conditioning and programming is reversible, no matter how long we've been thinking a certain way. So have hope that things can change. Explore the possibility that you have way more power and control than you think over your own thoughts and the manifestation and quality of your life. And experience for yourself how life is far from random and can happen for you instead of to you.

You are a Creator. Remember that.


Meeting your Own Needs First


Choosing the High Road