Your Story Can Change

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I had never grown a sunflower from seed. In fact, I steered clear of growing plants from seed for decades because of a persistent story in my head that I can't. But the truth is: I can.

And the sunflower pictured above standing watch by my front door, and half of my garden of flowers, vegetables, and herbs, all grown from seed and thriving, is a celebration.  An affirmation that transformation, and overcoming lifelong blocks and negative beliefs is possible. And not only possible, but available if we desire it enough to rebel against the voices in our head that say we can't. And it does takes a rebellion to upset the status quo and break through to a new way of being, relating, and believing in the world that moves us forward in a positive way.

We often let the voices of past hurts, traumas, and failures do the talking that results in us walking in circles. Have you experienced this? These voices reside in the subconscious and belong to the negative ego - the parts of us that want to perpetuate the illusion and the comfort of playing small. But there is also a part of us that doesn’t want that. In fact, it wants the opposite of illusion and playing small and being stuck in vicious cycles of faulty programming and harmful narratives. And that is our Higher Self - who we are as Spirit - representing our positive ego. I used to say we “have” a Spirit, but now I know more precisely that we “are” Spirit. Big difference! And it is eternal Spirit that inhabits this physical body - this vehicle, this shell, this vessel - for a very short time. And it is this limitless Spirit that is always guiding us to remember our power, our eternity, and our limitlessness and to stop clinging to the stories that are not that.


So when we gain the power to tune in to the voice and frequency of our Higher Self - that's always believed in us - and remove the static and interference of the negative ego, we realize we no longer have to allow the things that have stopped us to stop us anymore.

And choosing the path less traveled becomes exciting and motivating, rather than anxiety-producing and discouraging. We find a way forward and through - eliminating the old the stories and leaving a blank slate to write a new one. To plant new seeds of liberation and ascension. And we move closer to that Divine truth of who we are and why we’re here.

Naturally, this is easier said than done. It takes daily practice - no joke! Because no matter how far along the path of life and learning you are, your story will never be a final edit. There’s always room for growth, for refinement, and transformation. There will always be a push to move forward and resist stagnation and devolution. And so there will always be deeper layers of subconscious stories and patterns that will rise to the surface when we seek more Light and Truth in our lives. And that is precisely what the path of progression through the Modern Mystery School facilitates.


From the Life Activation - that reconnects you to your Higher Self - to the Empower Thyself Initiation Class - that offers you to daily rituals and tools to eliminate the influence of the Negative Ego - to Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah - a 10-12 month journey that illuminates the subconscious and empowers you to transmute the old stories, beliefs, and woundings in order to attain pure knowledge, understanding, and wisdom - to the Ritual Master Path - that trains you as a Warrior of Light to hold back the darkness - the rabbit hole is endless!

Which is a perfect reflection to the infinite Universe of potential that is within each of us. In me. In you. In all humans.

So today, I share my story with you.  A story of deleting the old story and writing a new one.  A story of freedom and seeking to know myself more meaningfully and more powerfully. And taking another step forward on my path to remembering who I Am and living as Spirit - as my Higher Self.

What story will you choose to rewrite today?


Celebrating the Beauty of Growth


Planting Seeds of Change