Life is a Journey

Hiker looking over a landscape of mountains at sunset

Life is a journey. It consists of ups, downs and the spaces in between.

It's easy to think of them as separate, isn’t it?

That the downs take away from the ups, that the spaces in between are less important and that the ups are the only things that make life worth living. But that is an illusion. They are all connected. The ups, the downs and the spaces in between are all life in varying degrees. Like hot is the absence of cold and dark is the absence of light. All of it is Life.

And to make the most of our life will require us to experience it all. To learn how to move through the downs with grace and hope, to savor the ups with gratitude and humility, and to cultivate presence and patience through the in betweens. And through this inner work of accepting responsibility for making meaning of life, we get to learn what it means to live life ALIVE.

To not just go through the motions and defaulting to auto-pilot. But learning to be conscious, aware and present through the entire spectrum of life. Learning to exist in the present moment, whether it be during the ups, the downs or the spaces in between. Decreasing our checking out and increasing our leaning in. And learning to enjoy and savor this brief, but breathtaking, one-way journey called life on Earth and all the blessings that come with it.


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