Spring Awakening Within You

Snowdrop flowers

Spring is almost here.  10 days to go!

We can see and experience this shift from Winter to Spring externally in the lengthening of days, the see saw of daily temperatures and the seemingly overnight appearance of crocuses and other flowering bulbs.  But know that this shift is also happening internally.

As within, so without.  As without, so within.

Each of us in our own way is emerging from a slumber, and we may feel a quickening of creative energies, new inspirations popping up in our awareness and feeling happier and more outgoing.  But that being said, it's not all roses and rainbows, is it?

Backlit silhouette of a young man

Just as a seed must go into the darkness to sacrifice itself, bursting open in order to transform and set in motion the fulfillment of its greater purpose, that process is mirrored in us as humans. 

As we approach the imminent new beginnings of Spring, we may be faced with the growing pains of our transformation.

Feeling extra aware of aspects of our lives that we've outgrown, our emotional baggage and the attachments that limit us.  Feeling restless, unsettled or agitated.  Experiencing grief as we accept that if and when we do what we know is the next right step for us, everything will change.

And it doesn't always feel good.  I call it being "crunchy."  And I've been crunchy this past week!  So if you're experiencing something similar, know that you're not alone.

And know that there's nothing necessarily wrong.  This is a normal part of the growth process that happens for all living things across our entire lifespan.  When we transform, we must challenge and exceed our previous limits in order to expand beyond them.  And shift happens mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Because Spring is the time for new growth, new possibilities coming into fruition and expanding into new frontiers and new ways of being.  For you, for me, and for all of Nature. Now is the time to become all we can be.


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