Living Here Now

We've all done things in our past that we're not proud of. Maybe it was decades ago, maybe it was a few minutes ago. The important thing to know is that it's in the past.

Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know at the time. Be grateful for what you know now. And let that gratitude free you to create new choices, new thoughts, and new actions.

Imagine the past to be a smiling teacher; don't let it become a bully. And be humble enough to receive the lessons that will serve you to grow stronger and become more of who you were born to be with thanks.

Remember that none of us are perfect. To be perfect isn't the goal. To be constantly willing to grow and evolve in a state of perfecting - that is the goal. So have compassion for yourself on this challenging journey of refining, polishing, and learning how to be more perfect every day, and resist the temptation to shame and hurt yourself.

Is anyone forcing you to judge and punish yourself based upon who you used to be and what you did in the past? Then do not teach others to do so nor praise them when they do. This is not loving. This is not Love. And as you learn to extend this grace to yourself, extend that grace to others, and stop throwing stones in a glass house.

The past is the past. We are no longer there. The future is the future. We are not there yet.

The present is now. And we are here.

Live, here, now.


The August 2021 Full Moon


The Value of Struggle