The 8/8 New Moon


The New Moon is happening right now. I like to think of it as "weeding time," and discerning what's no longer needed or welcome in the garden of my mind and my life.

And with the influence of Leo on 8/8 specifically, weeding out the beliefs, habits, and triggers that stop you from living joyfully, shining your unique light proudly, and affirming that your are an eternal, spiritual being. No matter your life's purpose and how it may be different than mine or those around you, joy, passion, and courage all serve to amplify, celebrate, and facilitate living your purpose.

So what keeps you from stepping out and walking that walk and leading by example?

Reflect on this question honestly, doing your best to suspend judgment and what you believe you should've done or where you think you're supposed to be in your life. Focus on what IS and where you ARE, period. And from there, tapping into the power of Now to begin creating change. Empowering yourself to break the chains of serving anxiety, cynicism, and negativity and making new choices to serve joy, passion, and positivity in your life.

With this 8/8 New Moon, accept the invitation to embrace possibility and your potential to expand incomprehensibly. What more can you learn? What more can you experience? What frontiers of who you are and why you are are just waiting to be discovered on your adventures through life?

Weed and prepare the soil of your mind so that new ideas, new inspirations, and new trajectories can grow deep, sustainable roots. And unlock your own key to shining as the beacon of Hope that your are, living as the proof of miracles that we can all experience and initiate in this brief, beautiful physical life. There's so much more...both within and without. Seek and ye shall find.


The Value of Struggle


Celebrating the Beauty of Growth